Riding In Mexico Is Both Rewarding and Safe

Making a pit stop on one of my solo rides in Mexico

Making a pit stop on one of my solo rides in Mexico

We are getting so excited about the inaugural Bici Bucerias camp/tour in April. I really love riding in Mexico and am eager to not only lead some awesome rides, but also share the rewards, such as chilling on the beach with a nice cold beer after a hot day in the saddle.

Aside from relaxing at the beach, I'm quite eager to share some great culinary experiences as well. My family and I have been visiting the area of Nayarit for 8 years now. The one thing that really amazed me when we first set foot in Bucerias was the number of great restaurants that pepper the cobbled streets of this sleepy little Mexican town. Some restaurants have come and gone but some great places remain. For the more adventurous, we will be touring some of the best street taco vendors around. I can guarantee that you will be amazed.

A lot of people ask me what to expect when cycling in Mexico: "Is it safe?"

My answer is this: In my opinion it is as safe as riding in Canada, if not safer in some locations. There are some stretches of road that are narrow and a little rough with lots of winding corners. It is important to be aware of your surroundings, make gestures with the drivers coming up behind you (i.e. you are coming in to a blind corner and a car is approaching from the rear). I've found most drivers to be respectful and will actually wait until you wave them by before passing. Aside from these few sections of the routes, most of the riding will be free of traffic. While I normally ride alone when in Mexico, this tour will be fully supported with a tour leader and follow car. So rest assured that we will make your trip both safe and enjoyable.

​– Joel Goralski

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